My CE certificate seems incomplete or appears to be missing information?

Category: Records

Occasionally, depending upon the specific web browser you may use, certain fields – like the course name – will not display. The solution is to go to your “My Account” dashboard. Under the right sidebar “Recent Activity” your available certificate links are displayed and may be downloaded again. All fields should display properly.

Our CE certificates can also provide your licensing state and license number. This is NOT required for most licensing agencies, but it is made available for our participants because we feel it is a desirable feature. However, in order for it to be displayed it must be provided by the participant prior to course completion.

If a participant previously omitted licensing state and/or license number but wants to be displayed on a CE course certificate:

  • Complete profile update with the missing information
  • Again, complete the course survey

We regret any inconvenience due to any additional steps however, the CE certificate is programatically generated upon completion of the course survey.

Any concerns with the display of a CE participant’s name also has to be handled in the same manner.

We urge all participants to make sure their user profile is accurately completed prior to the onset of any CE Dojo course to avoid any problems with certificate display.

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